Refund Policy

  • All claims must be submitted via email within 30 days of delivery. Any claims beyond this mark are not eligible for replacement or reimbursement.
  • All claims must be initiated via email before sending them back to our facility.
  • All items must be unworn and unwashed with all original tags still attached and in their original packaging. Used or de-tagged items are no longer eligible for return. A 10% restocking fee will be applied to any item that is returned without the original packaging or if the packaging is significantly damaged.
  • Items that contain any markings, stains, animal/human hair, or contain any type of odor will not pass inspection.
  • If the return does not pass inspection, it will be mailed back to you.
  • If the item you are returning is no longer in stock, you can either choose a different item of equal or lesser value or be fully refunded for the original item.
  • If your return is approved, you will receive a refund worth the amount of your returned item(s). If requesting an exchange, you will be sent the correct item you ordered free of charge.
  • Please send returns to the following address:  THEIRONWILLED, 3702 E Roeser Ste 15, Phoenix AZ,  85040